释义 |
1 ?俘获束流 ... acquire 释义:瞄准,发现,探测,俘获 captured current 释义:俘获束流 captured guidance 释义:俘获制导 ...
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The death and surrounding chimp activity were captured on video cameras and are described in a paper published online April 26 in the journal Current Biology. 死亡过程和周围黑猩猩的活动用一架摄影机捕捉了下来,这份记录出现在了四月二十六号线上出版的期刊《当今生物学》中的论文里。 - 2
In this way, the current state of the retiring queue manager is captured at cutover time and moved intact to the new host. 通过这种方式,可以捕获即将退役的队列管理器的当前状态,并将其毫发无损地移动到新的主机。 - 3
And certain materials are "piezoelectric", meaning that they naturally become deformed by heat or vibrations, generating an electrical current that can be captured and stored. 一些具有亚电性的材料,会因为热能或者振动而改变形状,并产生可捕获贮存的电流。