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1 ?卡普里西娅 ... 罗马教会之别称 apostolic see 卡普里西娅 capricia 普里西安 priscian ...
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Yet because the writing staff lives on Planet Earth in 2009, not on Capricia in the distant future, chauvinism creeps onto the show. 然而,由于工作人员的书面地球上的生命在2009年,而不是卡普里·西娅在遥远的未来,沙文主义毛骨悚然上显示。 - 2
Capricia Marshall, the White House social secretary, arranged for the White House butlers, chefs, and valets to come help the Camp David staff in making sure the meals were enjoyable. 白宫的社交秘书卡普里西娅·马歇尔特地安排白宫的膳食总管、厨师、服务生到戴维营来帮助这里的工作人员,以确保做出可口的饭菜。 - 3
The White House social secretary, Capricia Marshall, who had supported me since 1991 and had been with Hillary since early in our first campaign, had arranged a special surprise for me. 白宫的社交秘书卡普里西娅·马歇尔自1991年就支持我,从我们的第一次竞选活动起就陪伴在希拉里左右,她特地为我安排了一个意外的惊喜。