Rotational Dynamic Recrystallization (RDR) mechanism which based on mechanics assistance can well explain the microstructure evolution within the ASB.
一种基于力学辅助的旋转式动态再结晶(rdr)机制可以很好的解释as B内组织的演化过程。
This article explores the various features provided by DataStage ASB Packs in invoking Complex web services and integrating the data returned by these web services with other DataStage components.
本文通过调用复杂的Web服务并集成这些Web服务以及其他DataStage组件返回的数据,探索了DataStage a SB Packs提供的各种特性。
TEM observation showed that the center of the adiabatic shear band (ASB) was composed of recrystallized nano-grains (about 30-70 nm in diameter).