释义 |
1 ?阿鲁纳 黎明寺的名字源于印度黎明之神阿鲁纳(Aruna),又被誉为晓庙、郑王寺或郑王庙,位于泰国首都曼谷市曼谷艾县,坐落于“血脉之河”湄南河西畔,是为了纪念郑昭王而建造于19世纪... 2 ?姓 ... 名字: Vallabhu 姓: Aruna 标签: Aruna Vallabhu ...
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In Dharavi, a slum outside Mumbai, an illiterate mother called Aruna sits in her tiny one-room flat, which is home to ten people. 在孟买市外的贫民窟达拉维,目不识丁的母亲阿茹娜坐在面积狭小的一居室里——这是全家10口人的住地。 - 2
Therefore, when Pingala and Aruna, as birds, had touched his skull, both of them had achieved freedom from sinful reactions and attained the right to enter Vaikuntha. 因此,当平嘎拉和阿茹娜作为鸟碰触到他的头骨时,两人都免除了罪恶反应并获得了去外琨塔的权利。 - 3
In Dharavi, a slum outside Mumbai, an illiterate mother called Aruna sits in her tiny one-room flat, which is home to ten people. Asked how she feels about the rich, she says: "They have worked hard." 在达拉维,孟买城郊的贫民区,一位名叫阿鲁妠的不识字的母亲,坐在她那住着十个人却只有一个房间的小平房前,当问到她对富人有什么看法时,她说“富人努力工作。”