A clean, drysample is weighed and then evacuated for several hours in a vacuum chamber, flushing with CO2 to remove remaining air if necessary.
Ultrasonic extraction was used to extract the gypenosides from fresh leaves sample(F), fixed sample(X), baked sample(B), air-dried sample(A) and dry tea sample(D) of Gynostemma pentaphyllum.
用超声法提取绞股蓝鲜叶样、杀青样、烘干样、风干样以及绞股蓝袋泡茶干茶样的总皂甙, 并测定其含量。
The dry-ashed sample was dissolved in water. The solution was sprayed into the air-acetylene flame and the absorption at 330.2/330.3nmwas measured.