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Instead of eating hunched pleasurably over a book, I look out of the window and chew every mouthful thoroughly, aware of every single oat and nut and dried bit of apple as it goes down. 送孩子们去学校后,我不再放松地边吃早饭边看书,而是盯着窗外,仔细地嚼着嘴里的食物:每一粒燕麦、每一颗坚果、每一片苹果干。 - 2
Sometimes, you are so polite, you don't spit out the bones, you chew them and try to swallow them. 通常,出于礼貌考虑,你不会吐出骨头,而是反复咀嚼试图将骨头咽下去。 - 3
After food, rinse your mouth out with water or chew sugar-free gum to encourage saliva, which neutralises the acid. 吃完后漱口或者嚼无糖口香糖促进唾液分泌,以助中和酸性。