释义 |
- 栗栎:一种具有长椭圆形至长圆状叶子,具有锯齿状或齿状边缘的橡树。
1 ?栗子树 Category:制杆木材,岑树树瘤(ash burl),松木(pine),枫木,柳树(willow),栗子树(chestnut oak),桦木(birch),椴木(basswood),榆木(elm),樱桃木(cheery),橡木(oak)... 2 ?白橡木 ... Black gum 美国紫树 Chestnut oak 白橡木,矮票栎 Englemann spruce 云杉 恩氏云杉 ...
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A separate disease, acute oak decline, is killing oaks, while chestnut trees have been felled across the country because of infections spread by moths. 另一种疾病——急性栎树衰退病正在杀死大量的栎树,同时由于此病的传染性能借助蛾子传播,栗树也在全国范围内被砍伐。 - 2
Truffles grow underground among the roots of oak, elm , chestnut, pine, and willow trees where they form a symbiotic relationship with their environment. 块菌生长在地下土层中,与橡树、榆树、栗树、松树及柳树的根以及它们所处的自然环境形成共生关系。 - 3
Truffles grow underground among the roots of oak, elm, chestnut, pine, and willow trees where they form a symbiotic relationship with their environment. 块菌生长在地下土层中,与橡树、榆树、栗树、松树及柳树的根以及它们所处的自然环境形成共生关系。