释义 |
- 加州红杉:一种生长在美国加州沿海地区的巨大常绿针叶树,是世界上最高的树木之一。
1 ?海岸红杉 我们看到的是海岸红杉(Coast Redwood),多生长在加州中北部及俄勒冈州南部的海岸地区,是世界上最高的树种. 2 ?海岸红木 红杉树在美国又称“海岸红木”(coast redwood),它的拉丁学名为Sequoia sempervirens。 3 ?栖槐 ... coarse pare 粗橡胶 coast redwood 栖槐 coating 1涂料 2油漆 3涂刷 4粘贴 ...
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Look, through the eyes of a physicist, at a bounding kangaroo, a swooping bat, a leaping dolphin, a soaring Coast Redwood. 让我们用物理学家的眼光来看看这跳跃的袋鼠、俯冲直下的蝙蝠、跃起的海豚、高耸如云的加州红木。 - 2
That's not all that's amazing about the Coast redwood: there are four giant California redwoods big enough that you can drive your car through them! 海岸红杉让人惊奇的不止这些:有四棵加州红杉大到可以让车从树洞里穿过! - 3
Still, they say California's coast al redwood trees, for example, could move farther north.