释义 |
1 ?粗孔隙 ... coarse pore network 粗孔隙网络 coarse porosity 粗孔隙 coarse sand 粗砂 ... 2 ?粗大气孔群 ... coarse pored ==> 大孔状 coarse porosity ==> 粗大气孔群 coarse positioning ==> 粗调定位 ...
- 1
The results showed that good purification effects can be obtained, in which not only major coarse impurity particles was removed but also shrinkage porosity was effectively abated. 研究表明,该方法可以实现良好的净化效果。不仅过滤了绝大多数粗大夹杂物,而且对减少显微缩孔十分有效。 - 2
The results show that the cracking of the tap valve is brittle crack, which is due to overheat to cause the formation of defects, such as coarse grains, Widmanstatten structure and porosity. 结果表明,水龙头阀体开裂是由于存在过热造成的晶粒粗大、魏氏组织、铸造疏松等缺陷引起的脆性开裂。 - 3
It is liable to produce various casting defects, such as coarse grain, shrinkage cavity, shrinkage porosity, hot tearing, microstructure segregation and solute segregation. 在铸造过程中容易产生各种铸造缺陷,如晶粒粗大、缩孔缩松、开裂、组织和成份偏析等。