释义 |
粗面粉 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?粗粉 flour 在食品词典中的意思,短语,例句,发音,... ... clear flour 次级面粉 coarse flour 粗(面)粉 corn flour 玉米粉 ... 2 ?粗磨制粉 ... 粗磨轧辊 roughing cylinder 粗磨制粉 coarse flour 粗磨钻石 bruting diamond ...
- 1
I am sitting at a table, and before me is a cake, fashioned ingeniously by my mother from coarse ration flour, a lump of lard, a single egg, and a precious cupful of sugar. 可我还是不禁回忆起来:当时,我坐在桌前,桌上有一个漂亮的蛋糕,是妈妈用面粉发酵,加上盐,鸡蛋还有一大杯砂糖调制成的。 - 2
Comparing with parent flour, protein content, moisture, ash, starch and damaged starch content in the coarse and fine had rather large variation, and rheologic behaviours of the fine were improved. 与原小麦粉相比,粗粉和细粉的蛋白含量、水分、灰分、淀粉和破损淀粉含量都有较大的变化,并且细粉的流变性能有所改善。 - 3
Compared with flour and rice, coarse food is more valuable having complete and balanced nutrition. 比起精加工的面粉和稻米,杂粮的营养素全面、均衡,营养价值更胜一筹。