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肮脏的玩 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?肮脏的动作 “我觉得那是个肮脏的动作(dirty play),老马:那是dirty。马布里也对那次犯规进行了点评。 2 ?携作很多的比赛 ... 小动作很多的比赛 dirty play 携作很多的比赛 dirty play 对工作很负责 be very conscientious in one's work ...
- 1
When his mother wanted him to take a nap after school, he would sneak out to play in the muddy lanes of Jakarta, stopping for a swim with the local boys in the dirty pond known as the "empang". 当他的妈妈希望他在放学后能够睡上一小会的时候,他却会偷偷溜出去在雅加达污浊的街道上玩耍,偶尔还会停下来和当地孩子一起在肮脏的小池塘里游泳。 - 2
Many experts advise common sense. "We don't want to say to children, 'OK, play by the dirty river bank and catch whatever you can,' " says Dr. Weinstock. 很多专家都推荐一种常识,“我们不会对孩子说,好,去那个脏水沟边玩吧,随便你抓什么。 - 3
The big fear is that cholera will spread to the 1, 300 refugee camps in the capital, where sanitation is poor, clean water is lacking, and children play barefoot in dirty puddles. 最大的担心是,霍乱蔓延到首都1300个难民营。 此处卫生条件差,洁净饮用水缺乏,孩子们在肮脏的水坑里赤脚玩耍。