...脉,经视神 经管入眶,其分支供应眼球眼球外肌泪腺及眼睑等,其 中最重要的分支是 视网膜中央动脉(central artery of retina):行于视神 经的中央,经视神经盘穿出至视网膜。
...为颈内动脉的第一个较大的分支,起始于颈内动脉海绵窦段穿过硬脑膜移行于膝段处,发出后向前行,与视神经一起经视神经孔入眶。分支:眶上动脉、额动脉,其中最重要的一支为视网膜中央动脉 central artery of retina 后交通动脉 posterior communicating artery ..
Methods: With color Doppler energy imaging techniques to detect blood flow ofcentralarteryofretina in30normal cases for control and71cases of diabetics.
Result The origin of rectus muscular artery was the trunk of ophthalmic artery, sometimes from the lacrimal artery, centralarteryof the retina and posterior ciliary artery.