释义 |
坦桑尼亚首都 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
The official capital of Tanzania, in the central part of the country. Population, 46, 000. 多多马在坦桑尼亚中部的该国首都。人口46,000。 - 2
The official capital of Tanzania, in the central part of the country. Population, 4', 000. - 3
The Natural Capital Project, based at Stanford University, is refining software to allow fine-scale analyses, and Tanzania, the state of Hawaii and others are already using the software. 基于斯坦福大学的自然资本计划正精心设计一种能精确分析的软件,而夏威夷的坦桑尼亚州等已开始使用了。