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The boy's mother was flying from Tripoli in Libya to Niamey, the capital of Niger, when she went into labor, Buraq Air employee Amir Abu Sin told CNN. 巴拉克航空公司的职员阿米尔?阿布?辛告诉CNN记者,这位小男婴的母亲在从利比亚的黎波里市飞往尼日尔的首都尼亚美市的途中突然阵痛分娩。 - 2
Caption :They start their journeys from all over West Africa - and many never make it to Europe. Many are forced to pick up odd jobs in places like Niamey, the capital of Niger. 描述:他们从西非各个角落出发,但许多人永远也不可能到达欧洲,只能滞留在尼日尔首都尼阿美等地靠打零工维持生计。 - 3
Port Harcourt, capital of Rivers state, is the urban hub of the Niger Delta, where the creeks contain the bulk of Nigeria's vast oil and gas reserves, the biggest in Africa. 作为河州首府,哈科特港位于尼日利亚三角洲的中心。此地的河流孕润着尼日利亚丰富的油气储备——这也是非洲最大的油气储备。