释义 |
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"In a few months, my dear Marianne." said she, "Elinor will, in all probability be settled for life." “亲爱的玛丽安,”她说,“再过几个月,埃丽诺十有八九要定下终身大事了。” - 2
That settled it for me, for in a flash I saw that the Man who so loved me as to die for me could be absolutely trusted with all the concerns of the life He had saved. 这句话终于扎根在我心头,转瞬间我意识到这个如此爱我,能为我而死的人是绝对能够信靠的,他对于他救赎的人充满了关怀和慈爱。 - 3
"In a few months, my dear Marianne. " said she, "Elinor will, in all probability be settled for life. We shall miss her; but SHE will be happy. " “亲爱的玛丽安,”她说,“再过几个月,埃丽诺十有八九要定下终身大事了。我们会惦记她的,不过她会很幸福。” ”