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artificial insemination 英/ ?ɑ?t?f??l ?n?sem??ne???n / 1 [医]?人工授精 -? 人工授精,人工授精简介人工授精(Artificial Insemination, AI)是指采用非性.. 2 ?人工授精技术 ...docin.com豆丁网 riogenology》Vol.70(2008):1337- 1345 张德福校杨永卿复校 摘 要:猪人工授精技术(Artificial insemination,AI)已在集约化养猪生产国中得到了广泛应用。 3 ?猪人工授精技术 ...artificial insemination:An overview 查看全文 下载全文 导出 添加到引用通知 下载PDF阅读器 DOI: 摘要: 猪人工授精技术(Artifical insemination,AI)已在集约化齐猪生产国中得到了广泛应用.
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After the 5, 500 mile move, the couple visited experts at California and they tried four cycles of artificial insemination, but none of those worked. 在移动了5,500英里之后,这对夫妇拜访了加利福尼亚的专家并尝试了4轮的人工受精治疗,但没有一次成功。 - 2
Recent technological advances in reproduction, such as artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization, have increased the full income of women relative to men. 比如人工授精和体外受精,近来的生育技术进步使女性的总收入相对于男性增加了。 - 3
After losing her daughter, 28, and son-in-law in a gas poisoning accident last year, the age-defying woman decided to get pregnant again, via artificial insemination. 在一次煤气中毒事故中失去28岁的女儿和女婿后,这名年迈的母亲决定通过人工授精方式再次怀孕。