释义 |
- 组织章程:组织章程是一份类似于公司章程的文件,概述了在美国许多州成立有限责任公司(LLC)所需的初始声明。一些州将组织章程称为组织证书或成立证书。一旦提交并获得州务卿或其他公司登记机构的批准,组织章程将合法地将LLC创建为该州的注册商业实体。
- abstract:
1 The Articles of Organization is a document similar to the articles of incorporation, outlining the initial statements required to form an LLC at the State level a limited liability company. It is a necessary document for setting up an LLC in many US states.
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Unless otherwise specified by the Articles of Organization, LLC's enjoy perpetual continuity similarly as in a corporation. 除公司结构程另注,有限责任公司享有法定公司永久存在之特性。 - 2
In previous articles, 1 I have addressed various aspects of introducing the discipline of Portfolio Management (PM) into an organization. 在前面的文章中1,我已经介绍了关于将项目组合管理(Portfolio Management, PM)规程引入组织的各个方面。 - 3
Western Articles Clear division in the organization of articles title, sub-title, chapters, sections, paragraphs topic sentences. 西方文章,标题、章、节、 段细分明切,段中一般都有主题句,脉路清晰,一目了然。