释义 |
神圣的 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?免除 ... be run ragged 因过度使用而破旧 be sacred from 免除, 不受 be safe from 不会遭到...的危险, 免受...的伤害 ...
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But, if nothing else, "Darwin's Sacred Cause" shows that there is still new material to be gleaned from the life of a man much picked over, and who turned the world upside down. 但是至少呢,《达尔文的神圣事业》还是能够证明,从这位世人耳熟能详、曾经掀起轩然大波的科学巨擘身上,还是有一些崭新的材料可供我们探索的。 - 2
My books, which only a moment before I thought so tiresome, so heavy to carrymy grammar, my sacred historyseemed to me now like old friends, from whom I should be terribly grieved to part. 悔恨自己从前逃课去掏鸟窝,去萨尔河溜冰! 我的那些书,我的语法课本,我的神圣的历史书,刚才背在身上还觉得那么讨厌,那么沉重,现在却像老朋友一样,让我难舍难分。 - 3
The footprint of the temple revealed a sacrificial altar and a sacred inner room not dissimilar from those that would eventually be built in the great temples in Jerusalem. 庙宇里的脚印显示了一处祭坛和一个内室,这些和最终建造在耶路撒冷大庙里的没有什么两样。