释义 |
公共厕所 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?公共厕所 ... sedes 释义:(拉)粪,大便,厕所 communal latrine 释义:公共厕所 soil stalk 释义:脏水管,厕所粪便管 ...
- 1
But after five years, the town had provided no electricity and had turned down their application for a communal latrine. 但5年后,该镇将断掉定居点的电力供应,并且已经驳回申请公共厕所的请求。 - 2
Individual family latrines are generally preferable, because people will always make more of an effort to keep their own latrine clean than a communal facility. 大家更愿意使用个体家庭的厕所,因为比起公厕,人们更努力的保持自己的厕所清洁。 - 3
There are three basic latrine styles: individual family units, centralized units with each latrine allocated to an individual family, and communal systems. 有三种基本类型的厕所可供选择:各家庭独用的单元、分配给每个家庭一个厕位的集中式单元以及公共厕所。