释义 |
弯曲……耳朵 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
The filament hairs, or cilia, bend with vibrations caused by sound waves entering the ear. 这些细细的绒毛,或者说纤毛,会因为声波进入耳朵以后产生的振动而摆动。 - 2
Got a significant other, best friend, family member, co-worker you can talk to? Bend their ear. 找个重要的你能聊得来的人,最好是朋友、亲人或同事。 - 3
So you want to take your shampoo, hold your arm straight up, keep your arm right next to your ear, and then simply bend your elbow to ninety degree, and then lift it back up. 你要拿起洗发水,手臂向上伸直,紧贴耳朵,然后只要将手肘向后弯曲90度,再将手肘伸直。