释义 |
对…感到兴奋 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?因 ... become excited about 因...而激动[兴奋] become excited at 因...而激动[兴奋] become excited by 因...而激动[兴奋] ... 2 ?而激动 ... 别激动 keeyour shirt on; put down your jacket 而激动 become excited at 激动, 慌张 in a pucker ...
- 1
We all know to chew our food thoroughly when we're at the table, but in bed, we're more likely to become distracted and excited and gulp the treat down. 我们都知道,在餐桌旁吃东西会细嚼慢咽,但在床上,更容易分心和兴奋,会大口地咀嚼食物。 - 2
Will you become excited one day at the fact that it is merely your attitude, casual words and actions that caused the world upsetting you die? 有一天,周围令你不愉快的世界死去,它的消亡仅仅是由于与你的态度,由于你的不经意的一点一滴言行,你会不会因此而兴奋起来。 - 3
"I am very excited to compete at the Falcons' training camp with other great players," says Kinoshita, who hopes to become the first Japanese player in NFL history. 木下希望自己能成为第一位在NFL比赛中登场的日本球员,他说:“能和其他伟大的球员一起在猎鹰的训练营进行竞争,我非常激动。”