释义 |
1 [地质]?风沙负荷量 ... 风切石 glyptolith 风沙负荷量 capacity of the wind 风蚀 deflation ... 2 ?风沙含量 ... 容量订正 capacity correction 风沙含量 capacity of the wind 道格特角风 Cape doctor ...
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Located roughly three miles off the coast of Atlantic city, N.J., the wind farm will have a production capacity of 25 megawatts when complete. 这个风力发电厂位于新泽西州大西洋城外海三英里处,工程完工之后将具备25兆瓦的装机容量。 - 2
Fossil fuels would fall a bit from about 67 percent of generating capacity to 61 percent, with gains in wind and solar making up most of the difference, ABS estimates. ABS估计,化石能源将会略微减少,从总发电容量的67%下降为61%,其他的大部分由风能和太阳能瓜分。 - 3
The American Wind Energy Association estimates that this year only 5, 500 megawatts of new capacity has been added in the United States. 美国风能协会估计,今年美国只增加了5,500千千瓦新的容量。