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细胞,心肌 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Cardiac muscle cells, or cardiomyocytes, are what makes the heart beat. - 2
A: Adrenaline from the nervous system lands on receptors of cardiac myocytes (heart-muscle cells), and this causes calcium channels in the membranes of those cells to open. 答:来自神经系统的肾上腺激素“着陆”到心脏肌细胞的受体,这使得这些肌细胞的膜中的钙通道打开。 - 3
He has managed to reprogram mouse connective-tissue cells so that they develop into cardiac muscle cells, and has tested them in the hearts of mice that have had heart attacks. 他成功地对老鼠的结缔组织细胞进行了基因改造,使它们发育成为心肌细胞,并已经在患有心脏病的老鼠的心脏上对这些细胞进行了测试。