释义 |
颜色,交叉 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
Despite mixed reviews of the Android-powered interface, the color touchscreen, large e-book selection and cross-promotions with the brick-and-mortar stores are clear high points. 尽管业界对于他的Android的用户界面,彩色触摸屏,大屏电子书,交叉宣传,以及实体店褒贬不一,但是这些在他们的高端定位上是明确的。 - 2
The examples above are just two of the many places I believe Microsoft really knocked it out of the park with their layout, color choices, graphics, and cross-browser compatibility. 网站的很多地方让我相信微软真的用心考虑布局,色彩选择,跨浏览器兼容,上面是其中两个例子。 - 3
Not The majority of customers, we can not turn our color, our Cross-dressing communicated to consumers. 没有广大的客户,我们也无法把我们的色彩,我们的扮装传达给消费者。