释义 |
- 裂下巴:一种解剖遗传特征,下颌骨中央有一个可见的凹陷。
1 ?颏裂 (十四)枢纽弯曲腭裂颅缝早闭综合征(arthrogryposis cleft palatecraniosynostosis) (十五)颏裂(cleft chin) (十六)唇腭裂伴拇指畸形小头畸形(cleftlippalate with abnormal thumb and microcephaly) .. 2 ?双下巴 酒窝(dimple),半裂的下巴俗称双下巴(cleft chin), 多毛的手臂(hairy arms)和大拇指向后弯曲的能力等。 3 ?下巴的问题 关于分叉的下巴的问题(Cleft Chin) 我想知道,分不分叉的标准是怎样的,我的下巴仔细摸的话后面一点有一个小沟,我想知道这算不算是Cleft Chin,总之我的下巴绝不不是尖...
- 1
The same cleft chin, bright eyes, and swarthy skin. - 2
As in the film, in the portrait he possesses an extremely athletic build and a cleft chin as part of his ruggedly handsome appearance. 正如他在电影中的形象一样,真人版的加斯通形象粗犷而英俊,他拥有发达的肌肉,还有帅气的裂下巴。 - 3
Close up, she could see his chiseled face, a small cleft in his chin.