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1 ?高透氧 高透氧 (Clearly in the Air) 新歌 经典 mv 明星 现场频道... 2 ?清风惹人醉 ... 久留惹人嫌 a constant guest is never welcome 清风惹人醉 clearly in the air 惹人爱的 lovable; loveable ...
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Although Adobe Flex and air-adobe's Flash-based RIA development frameworks-are clearly market leaders, the debut of Microsoft Silverlight had intensified competition in the RIA field. 虽然adobe Flex及AIR (adobe公司基于Flash的RIA开发框架)明显在市场上领先,但Microsoft Silverlight登场之后的确使RIA领域的竞争更加激烈。 - 2
"Clearly Darren Fletcher has won the ball," said Ferguson. "he's never touched Ashley Cole, who just jumped up in the air, and then [Didier] Drogba has pulled [Wes] Brown to the ground at the goal." 弗格森说:“很明显弗莱彻得到了球,他没有碰跳起来飞向空中阿什利·科尔,然后德罗巴在进球时已经拉倒了韦斯·布朗。” - 3
Adobe is clearly creating a lot of buzz with Flex, AIR, and their SaaS strategy, but it is still unclear how significant Adobe's role will be in the future of software. 显然adobe的Flex、AIR和他们的SaaS策略造成了很大的反响,但还不清楚adobe在软件的未来中会扮演多大的角色。