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化学 色心 Comparing with the behaviors of el iminating color centre produced by ion impLantation in different oxide crystals through annealing. It seems more difficult to eliminate color centre in covalence oxide crystal than in ion oxide crystal. 4.通过对氧化物晶体退火色心消除情况的比较,发现离子注入在共价型氧化物晶体中产生的色心缺陷不易通过退火消除,而离子型的正相反。
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[align=left][color=#000000]UNTIL recently, Edgar Ray Killen, a retired Baptist preacher, sat each day in a café in the centre of Philadelphia, Mississippi. 直到最近,退休的德加·雷·基伦教士每天都要去密西西比州费城市中心的咖啡馆。 - 2
In a park in Paris city centre, pigeons were fed by two researchers, of similar build and skin color, wearing different colored lab coats. 在巴黎市中心的一个公园里,两名体型和肤色都相似的研究人员穿着不同颜色的实验室工作服去喂一群鸽子。 - 3
Introduces color feature extraction and matching algorithms in content-based image retrieval, such as weighted Euclidean-distance, weighted centre distance, histogram intersection algorithm, etc. 介绍了基于内容图像检索中多种颜色的特征提取和匹配算法,以及加权欧几里得距离、中心距的加权距离、直方图交集算法等。