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碰撞表 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?冲突表 ... collision suture ==> 碰撞缝合 collision table ==> 冲突表,冲突分解 collision theory ==> 碰撞理论 ...
- 1
This train of thought, she perceives, is threatening mere waste of energy, even some collision with reality, for who will ever be able to lift a finger against Whitaker's Table of Precedency? 她认为这条思路至多不过白白浪费一些精力,或许会和现实发生一点冲突,因为谁又能对惠特克的尊卑序列表妄加非议呢? - 2
Although high hardness sapphire table mirror, only the diamond can cut it in theory, but does not mean that everything is all right, but also to prevent collision and fall break table mirror. 虽然蓝宝石表镜硬度高,理论上只有金刚石才能划伤它,但不代表就万事大吉,还要防止撞击和掉落震碎表镜。 - 3
The improved device consists of J2135 collision experiment device, drawing table and soleplate, and also adds a mobile board and a L-type positioning device. 改进的装置由J2135型碰撞实验器、绘图板和底板组成,并增加了活动托板和“L”型定位器等装置。