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Ethan Allen and his Green Mountain Boys and Benedict Arnold surprised the British at Fort Ticonderoga on Lake Champlain with an attack on May 10, 1775. 1775年5月10日,在尚普兰湖畔的提康德加罗城堡战役中,伊桑·艾伦和他的格林山兄弟会以及本尼迪克特·阿诺德让英军着实惊诧。 - 2
On May 10, 1775, Benedict Arnold of Massachusetts joined Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys of Vermont in a dawn attack on the fort, surprising and capturing the sleeping British garrison. 1775年5月10日,马萨诸塞州的Benedict Ar nold加入了Ethan Allen和佛蒙特州的绿山军对该堡的清晨奇袭,震惊并且活捉了睡梦中的英国守备军。 - 3
On September 19th, British General John Burgoyne achieved a small, but costly victory over American forces led by Horatio Gates and Benedict Arnold. 该年9月19日,英军将领约翰·柏戈因(John Burgoyne)在对阵大陆军将领霍雷肖·盖茨(Horatio Gates)和本尼迪克特·阿诺德(Benedict Arnold)时取得了一场小小的胜利,不过他也付出了惨痛的代价。