释义 |
- 军靴:专为军人或相关单位在训练和作战中使用的靴子,具有耐穿耐磨、良好的抓地力、增加脚踝稳定性和保护足部的特点。
1 ?军靴 ... Mountaineering Boots 登山靴 army boots 军靴 rubber boots 橡胶靴 ; 橡胶长统靴 ; 消防胶靴 ; 供应橡胶童靴 ...
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The former soldier in the Territorial Army, who wears a black mask, utility belt, Union Flag top, fingerless gloves, combat trousers and military boots, uses his skills as a trained pugilist. 这位银行家曾经在英国本土防卫自卫队服役,他用自己所学的拳击技术,每晚戴着黑色面具,系着多功能腰带,穿着国旗装和军裤,戴着露指手套,脚蹬军靴,全副武装追踪犯罪分子。 - 2
Like a modest Robert Palmer-girl army, the women mingled in floor-length print dresses and brown lace-up boots with their hair in messy secretary buns. 这些女孩们把印花拖地长裙和棕色系带靴子混搭在一起,头发松松地扎成团子。 - 3
Her contributions involved a wide range of activities, such as supplying food to the Eighth Liberation Army, relaying secret messages, and mending boots and uniforms. 她的贡献事无巨细,包括为八路军提供粮食补给,送情报,补鞋、军衣等。