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1 ?头孢替坦 通常R3为硫甲基四氮唑环时抗菌活性增强,如头孢羟唑、头孢替坦(Cefotetan)、头孢哌酮(Cefoperazone)、头孢甲肟(Cefmenoxime)和头孢羟羧氧(Latamoxef),但能干扰维生素K合成,故有出血倾向,并对饮酒者可出现... 2 ?头孢双硫唑甲氧 ... Cefotaxime 头孢噻肟 cefotetan 头孢双硫唑甲氧 Cefoxitin 头孢西丁 ... 3 ?头抱替坦 【正文快照】: 抗菌活性 头抱替坦(Cefotetan)在体外具有广谱抗菌活性,对大多数户内酞胺酶类有耐受性。
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Objective To evaluate the safety of cefotetan sodium for injection. - 2
"Cefotetan is one of a few recommended prophylactic antibiotics in colorectal surgery and has long been the most widely used prophylactic agent for elective colorectal surgery, " Dr. 头孢替坦是少数几个被推荐的结直肠手术预防用抗生素之一,很久以来就是在择期结直肠手术中应用最广泛的预防剂。 - 3
In the study, 1,002 patients were randomized to a single dose of 1 g of ertapenem or 2 grams of cefotetan infused over a 30-minute period within 60 minutes before elective colorectal surgery. 在此研究中,1002名病人在进行择期手术之前随机输注1克剂量的厄他培南或2克剂量的头孢替坦,输注在60分钟之内完成,大约有30分钟的输注时长。