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认知压力 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?认知性应激原 免费专业英语词汇下载 ... 相干光雷达 coherent optical radar 相干雷达相片 coherent radar photograph 相干射线 coherent ray ...
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The student psychological crisis stressor is now mainly concerned with life events, daily hassles and personal inner cognitive conflicts, etc. 当前大学生心理危机应激源主要是生活事件、日常烦扰和个人内心认知冲突等方面。 - 2
Cognitive appraisals on academic stressor for middle school students are composed of three correlative factors: competence appraisal, challenge appraisal, and. 中学生学业压力认知评价含三个相互关联的因子:胜任力评价、挑战性评价和威胁性评价。 - 3
There are three theoretical models on the prevention of eating disorders:non-specific vulnerability-stressor model, social cognitive model, and critical social perspectives model. 目前关于进食障碍预防理论模型主要有三种:非特异性易感压力模型、社会认知模型和批判性社会观点模型。