On the horizontal axis is the annual rate of growth in real GDP, on the vertical the change in the rate of unemployment (so that if unemployment goes from 5 to 6 percent, that's a + 1).
横轴上是实际GDP的年增长率,纵轴上是失业率的变动量(因此若失业从5%到6%,意指a + 1)。
Imported original axis flow fans, 316l stainless material mould press shaped drying box, real never rust steel from Japan which guaranteeing the running characteristic of whole machine.
日本进口原装轴流风机,316 L不锈钢材料模具压形的烘干箱,真正永不生锈,保证了整机的运转性能。
With the help of the conformal transformation, we transform a simply connected region and its boundary into the upper half plane and realaxis.