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1 ?轴向磁场 ...定值及能效等级》 ⑥稀土永磁(rare-earth permanent magnet),无刷(brushless),无铁芯(coreless), 轴向磁场 ( axial flux ) :高效节能电机开发和产业化取得突破,中国经济网, ⑧同上一个注解 2 ?轴向通量 ... axial flow steam turbine 轴流式汽轮机 axial flux 轴向通量,轴向磁通 axial flux distribution 轴向通量分布 ... 3 ?轴向磁通 轴向磁通(Axial Flux): 以转轴轴心为Z轴,永磁磁铁与感应线圈与 转轴轴心成卧式排列者称为轴向磁通,磁力线 成平行于Z轴,线圈之电流与Z轴平行,此种机 构...
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First, an axial flux motor is designed by using the FEMLAB finite element analysis software. Furthermore, a prototype axial flux motor is manufactured. 首先本计画运用FEMLAB有限元素分析软体,进行轴向磁通永磁同步車毂马达的电脑辅助设计与分析,并实际制作一个轴向磁通的雏形马达。 - 2
The paper introduced the design of a new-type direct-drive in-wheel axial flux permanent magnet synchronous machine specially designed for electric vehicle applications. 该文对一种新型的应用于电动车辆驱动的直驱轮用轴向磁场永磁同步电动机的进行了设计。 - 3
Schey said one of the key things that distinguishes the SRZERO from other electric cars being rolled out is its reliance on axial-flux motor technology. Schey说其中一个把SRZero和其他电动车区分开来的关键是,在新车的秘密测试时,依靠的轴向磁通电机技术。