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1 ?干酪制作 ... cheese 干酪 cheese making 干酪制作 cheese making machine 干酪制cheese press 压酪机 ... 2 ?干酪制造 ... 干酪工厂(Cheese Plant) 干酪制造(Cheese Making) 帕密散:超硬质干酪(Pa... 3 ?酪制作 ...N,两位寡居的母亲不由在言语上和心底间暗自进行着较量和攀比;精心饲养奶牛、计划在喜玛拉雅山脚推动干酪制作(cheese making)业的瑞士神父,却因签证过期被驱逐出境;Biju在面包店打工时的黑人朋友,逍遥的用婚姻换得了绿卡。 4 ?干酪建造 ... cheese making machine 干酪制 cheese making 干酪建造 cheese 干酪 ...
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Traditional cheese making skills give our brie its soft, supple, creamy texture. 用传统干酪制作技术制成的布里干酪柔软,不易裂开,而且口感细滑。 - 2
Liu, 37, spent seven years in France studying the language, business administration and cheese making. 37岁的刘洋在法国呆了7年,学习语言、工商管理及奶酪制作。 - 3
It MAY seem ridiculous, but in the hunt for sources of alternative energy researchers have come up with fuel cells which are powered by cheese-or at least whey, a by-product in cheese making. 看似荒谬,但研究人员确实已经发明出了一种由奶酪作为能源的燃料电池,或者更确切的说,是奶酪制作过程中的副产品——乳清。