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1 ?美容编辑 ... 编辑部实习生 Intern (Assistant Editor) 美容编辑 Beauty Editor 客户经理 Account Executive ...
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I told myself that, as a beauty editor, it was all in the aid of research. And it didn't really hurt. 我告诉自己,作为一个美容编辑,这完全是我的研究工作需要,不会真的有损健康。 - 2
I first started to think about quitting after a fellow beauty editor noted, just as I was about to book a Botox top-up, that I looked better without the jab. 我第一次开始考虑停止注射,是因为有一次在我正打算去补打肉毒素时,一位美容编辑同事对我说,我不打针看上去更好。 - 3
Years ago, when I was a beauty editor, I often talked to hairstylists about how women cut their hair off or tried a bold new hair color after a breakup. 数年前,我是一位美容杂志编辑,经常要和发型师探讨女性在分手后会剪头发、把头发染成新颜色。