释义 |
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At that time, the coal gas of my home had changed to pipe and the former gas pot was useless. - 2
Like most all hutong denizens, Mrs. Wang and her husband, Liu Xingye, have weathered decades of Beijing winters by feeding round bricks of coal into a squat pot-bellied stove. 和绝大多数有在胡同居住经历的北京居民一样,以前王女士和她丈夫刘兴业(音)在冬天以烧煤球取暖。 - 3
Since 2004, Beijing has replaced 94, 000 pot-bellied coal stoves with efficient electric heaters, eliminating the filth that came from chimneys burning roughly 100, 000 tons of coal a year. 从2004年开始,北京已取缔了94000个煤火炉。高热效的电热供暖器,使得以前每年因燃烧约100,000吨的煤而产生的煤烟,在北京胡同的烟囱里消失。