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1 ?煤转化 固定床煤气化过程的数学模型 - 煤炭网 关键词 煤转化 固定床煤气化 数学模型 [gap=505]Key words coal conversion, fixed-bed coal gasification, mathematical model 2 ?煤的转换 ... 公债的转换 conversion of stock 煤的转换 coal conversion; conversion of coal 能的转换 transformation of energy ...
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Qin Holdings Limited and energy business are involved coal, coal conversion, two plates and financial energy of a non-coal plates. 沁和能源集团有限公司业务现涉足煤炭、煤转化两个能源板块和金融一个非煤板块。 - 2
The analytical approaches and the identifications of the compound of phenols, which are produced from coal conversion have beem summed up. 本文总结了煤化工转化过程中酚类化合物的各种分析鉴定方法。 - 3
"Coal topping process" is a new technology which produce heat, power, gas and oil together. It combine CFB technology with coal conversion technology. “煤炭拔头”工艺是将循环流化床技术和煤炭转化技术结合起来的热、电、气、油联产新技术。