n. 球菌
adj. 精致的;装模作样的 | n. 矫揉;时...
...奇迹酒庄(Cecchi) ? ? ? ?奇迹酒庄(Cecchi)位于意大利的托斯卡纳(Tuscany)葡萄酒产区,是该地区知名的酒庄之一,是一家具有集团性质的家族酒庄,一直由切基家族(Cecchi ...
... 所属州: AL 名字: Cecchi 姓: Wayne ...
赛奇驰安稠 ; 赛奇酒园 ; 赛奇驰安稠赛奇酒园
高里 ; 戈里 ; 当时会长哥利
Dr. Silvio Inzucchi, director of the Yale Diabetes Center, examined Cecchi and quickly made a new diagnosis.
FORBES: The Unknown Epidemic
Cecchi began taking shots of insulin twice a day, but still his condition worsened.
Mr. Cecchi also expects more distressed assets, including bank loan sales, to hit the market in 2013.
WSJ: European Lenders Revisit the Market