释义 |
- n.停火:指战争或冲突中双方或多方同意暂时停止敌对行动的协议。
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历史学 停战 Although, the two sides signed a cease-fire agreement, the conflict has dramatically increased. Both the Chinese community and high-level Chinese government resent extremely against Japanese aggression. 虽然,中日双方签订了停战协定,但矛盾却在急剧上升,无论中国民间,还是中国政府高层,都对日本的侵略极端愤恨。
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The two cease-fires do not appear to be coordinated with each other, and have contradicting demands. 两方的停火声明显然并没有在达成一致, 双方的声明是互相抵触的。