阿利安太空公司(Arianespace) 的官员们说,一枚经过改良的欧洲火箭已将一枚涵盖\\\大西洋两岸的通讯卫星「大西洋之鸟二号发射升空。
...安火箭是由十三国联合成立的欧洲太空总署(European Space Agency,简称ESA)设计,由其分支商业公司 亚利安太空 ( Arianespace )公司承揽业务。亚利安五号火箭是亚利安火箭系列中最新的成品,这次首航失败,包括承载的四枚人造卫星,损失约二十五亿美元。
Arianespace needs to get its primary launcher back in operation as soon as possible.
BBC: Ariane 5: A short history
Nonetheless, Arianespace, the company that operates the Ariane 5, hopes to complete another two missions before the year is out.
BBC: Ariane rocket completes flawless satellite launch
The Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology has signed a contract with Arianespace to launch its VNREDSat-1A satellite.
FORBES: Arianespace To Launch Vietnamese Satellite