释义 |
- adj.(与)阿里乌斯派(有关)的;(与)出生于白羊宫时段的人(有关)的(同Arien)
- n.阿里乌斯派信徒;出生于白羊宫时段的人(同Arien)
- n.(Arian)(美、英、伊朗)阿里安(人名)
1 ?阿里乌斯派的 ... 阿里斯多德学派的 Aristotelian 阿里乌斯派的 Arian 阿利埃河 allier ... 2 ?盛邀雅蓝 晶华城,盛邀雅蓝(ARIAN)建筑景观设计机构,导入江南园林的设计理念,将自然风景与江南水景融汇相融。 3 ?信徒 我开始研究阿里乌斯派信徒(Arian)的线索,我敢肯定经常有与耶洛因的接触存在。我们已经从神话故事和古文明的遗迹中发现了一些线索: 希腊神话记述了古代整个系列的... 4 ?雅利安 “雅利安”(Arian)本意为“农夫”,后来引申为“高贵的人”、“贵族”。这个词后来转化为古波斯语的“伊朗”(Arhya,梵文写作Aria),而“伊朗”也演...
- 1
Ernest and Arian, they were able to show you they were rare? Like, every day? 厄尼斯特和亚里安,他们能每天都让你看到他们罕有的特质吗? - 2
Though an Arian, Theodoric was on good terms with the Church until his last years. - 3
Constantius, who inherited the East, was an Arian and banished the bishops of the Athanasian party. 继承东帝国的君士坦提乌斯是一个阿里乌主义者,他流放了亚大纳西派的大主教。