释义 |
1 ?意见书 ... argument function ==> 辐角函数,幅角函数 argument in writing ==> 意见书 argument list ==> 自变量表,变元表 ... 2 ?书面申辩 ... applied writing 应用文题型; 应用文写作 argument in writing 书面申辩 authentic writing 正本, 确认的文书 ...
- 1
Just make this simple exercise of writing down every argument you had in your mind (or out loud, if you're more extrovert) and be amazed about how much time you're spending on this. 做一些简单的实践写下你在脑海你的争论(或说出来,如果你是个外向的人)对你花如此多的时间在这上面感到惊讶吧。 - 2
I know because I've done it myself - writing about media interest in the death of a young British girl overseas, I used a handy line from "the Decline of the English Murder" to bolster my argument. 我知道因为我也这样做过:写一个英国女孩死在海外,引起媒体兴趣,我用了一句来自《英国谋杀的下降》中便利话来增强我的论点。 - 3
One argument, however, is less fanciful but perhaps more logical: writing in ink from left to right was too messy because Leonardo was a southpaw. 然而,还有另一种更实际更符合逻辑的说法:因为达芬奇是个左撇子,所以从左写到右对他来说太过麻烦。