释义 |
清洁、护理 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 - 1
FESS had obvious advantage, such as cleaning of affected tissue in ethmoid sinus or sphenoid sinus with mycosis, postoperative nursing of sinus cavity and so on. 柯-陆氏手术是本病的主要治疗选择,而鼻内窥镜手术在清理筛窦或蝶窦病变组织及术后窦腔护理有明显的优点。 - 2
The dogs, who also work with the elderly in nursing homes, get down to cleaning with their hoover and duster. 狗狗们也会帮助疗养院里的老人们做事,用吸尘器帮着老人打扫清洁。 - 3
"I had classes in etiquette, maternity nursing, cleaning and other aspects of homemaking," she says. but she enjoyed the cooking course the most. “我学习的课程涵盖礼仪、孕产妇护理、保洁以及家政的方方面面。”她说。但她最喜欢的要数厨艺课。