To Be的全部文档 - docin.com豆丁网 热度: 收藏到书房 9p pdf 中国基础工业系统生命周期参考数据库的建立方法与基础模型 本文总结提出了建立中国基础工业系统生命周期参考数据库(Chinese Reference Life Cycle Database, CLCD)的基本方法,包括环境影响类型与物质名录的选择、单元过程清单数据的收集与审核、生命周期清单数据的建模与
The condition of wound healing was observed. Results All patients were cured by CLCD.
结果 所有患者经持续腰大池引流治疗后均获痊愈。
And CLCD is caused by the crust thickening to increase the crust "s density, and require the underlying lithosphere mantle to change from rigidity into plasticity."
The author thinks that the ocean lithosphere delamination (OLD) is different from the continental lower crustal delamination (CLCD) in the paper: (1) the different delamination material.