释义 |
1 ?页岩泥 ... clay-shale 泥页岩 ; 矸子土 clay of shale 页岩泥 Burnt Clay and Shale Bricks 烧制的粘土及页岩砖 ...
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The leaves of ferns, reeds, and other plants, are frequently found between layers of shale or slaty clay, beautifully perfect, but converted into coal. 我们通常能在页岩层和黏板岩层中发现蕨类植物,芦苇和其它植物的叶子,但是这些叶子都完全转变为了煤。 - 2
Company production brick machine products are applicable to shale, gangue, coal ash, clay as material of brick making users. 公司生产的砖机产品适用于以页岩,煤矸石,粉煤灰,粘土等为原料的制砖用户。 - 3
The interaction of paraffin wax emulsions with clay dispersions was investigated with respect to size distribution, shale recovery, line swelling and lubrication properties. 通过对粒度分布、页岩滚动回收率、线性膨胀和润滑性的测定,研究了石蜡微小乳状液与黏土分散体系的相互作用。