释义 |
1 [计]?检验行 ... check routine test 校验程序试验 check row 检验行 checks 成群细裂纹 ... 2 [计]?校验行 ... 校验信号 checking signal 校验行 check row 校验性能 checking feature ... 3 ?核对列 ... 核对例程测试 check routine test 核对列 check row 检查指示符 check sign indicator ...
- 1
Syscat.checks Contains a row for each table check constraint db2 select constname, tabname, text from syscat.checks. checks为每个表检查约束保持一个行db2 select constname, tabname, text from syscat . checks。 - 2
SYSCAT.COLCHECKS Contains a row for each column that is referenced by a table check constraint db2 select constname, tabname, colname, usage from syscat.colchecks COLCHECKS 为表检查约束所引用的每个列保持一个行 db2 select constname, tabname, colname, usage from syscat.colchecks - 3
When you want to determine whether a given row includes a comment, you no longer need to check for a null value in the COMMENT column. 确定某一个行是否包含注释时,不再需要检查 COMMENT 列的 null 值。