弧线的圆滑程度;也将圆转化为其内接正多角形) _VCB(Value Control Box 数值调整栏):Number+r=Radius(无用) Arc Tool(弧线工具) _VCB(Value Control Box 数值调整栏):Number=Bulge(凸出长度) _VCB(Value Control Box 数值调整栏):Number+s=Segmets(弧线的圆滑...
arc tool扇形工具 area type tool 水平段落文本工具arithmetic 计算 ..
I started the process by (1) taking line work off of my base massing model, (2) using the Arctool to soften the corners, (3) leaving me with smooth line work to loft.
The company encourages the staff to study the argon arc welding technology, free provides each kind of tool and the equipment studies the use for the staff.
This work may be as a useful tool for the understanding of the parameters matching and process optimization in plasma arc welding.