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1 ?极地土壤 ... arctic polygon desert 北极多边形荒漠 arctic soil 极地土壤 arctic subregion 北极亚区 ...
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According to Bond-Lamberty, researchers might have a flawed understanding of how carbon cycling works in Arctic soil. 据邦德·兰姆伯蒂说,研究人员可能错误地理解了碳循环在北极土壤中起作用的方式。 - 2
Most of the Arctic is covered in snow and ice, which are highly reflective; if snow and ice melt, the exposed soil, which absorbs heat, serves to accelerate warming. 北极大部分地区被冰雪覆盖,具有很强的反射性;如果冰雪融化,裸露的土壤吸收热量,有助于加速变暖。 - 3
Once is established, shrubland thrives, particularly in the Arctic, because Arctic shrubs are good at taking advantage of increased nutrients in the soil, better than other Arctic plants. 一旦扎根土壤,灌木林地就会生长茂盛,特别是在北极地区,因为北极地区的灌木丛比其他植物更善于利用土壤中的营养成分。