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北极近海 以上为机器翻译结果,快速获取精准的人工翻译结果,建议选择有道人工翻译 1 ?北极外洋 ... arcto-tertiary forest 释义:北极第三纪森林 arctic offshore 释义:北极外洋 Clostridium arcticum 释义:北极梭菌 ...
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Mr Prentice and his counterparts from other Arctic states met in Greenland this week, to discuss offshore drilling among other topics. 普兰提斯先生和来自其他北极国家的同行们本周在格林兰岛开会,讨论近海钻探和其他话题。 - 2
Nevertheless, most of the Arctic, especially offshore, is essentially unexplored with respect to petroleum. - 3
Nowhere is this last paradox more apparent than in the Arctic, where global warming means melting ice, which in turn means easier access to huge quantities of petroleum, most of it offshore. 在北极问题上,这种自相矛盾的观点被体现的淋漓尽致。全球变暖对北极来说意味着冰山融化,而这又意味着海底下大量的原油将更容易获得。